Effective wealth management involves the ongoing integration of several complex areas of financial planning. There is a great deal of overlap among the fundamental areas of financial planning, therefore one must take a comprehensive and integrated approach in order to successfully coordinate all of these vital components of your personal finances. In order to have successful outcomes, we must create goals, establish plans, execute those plans, and then consistently review and update the plans on an ongoing basis. Below are some of the key areas in which we serve our clients.

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Investment Management

We work with you to design a customized investment strategy tailored specifically to meet your unique goals. Your particular investment plan is designed to achieve your performance objectives and to meet your retirement income needs, while at the same time protecting your capital by carefully managing the risk of your assets. We help you maintain and update your investment plan over time as life brings change to your situation. We also help you maintain discipline throughout the ups and downs of the markets and avoid the emotional mistakes so many investors make when the markets get volatile.

Our Financial Investment Services | KCR Wealth Management

Retirement Planning

We help you get a bird’s-eye view of your retirement situation by creating a detailed model of your situation and goals and projecting across your life expectancy. We help you determine the viability of your current plan. If your plan is off track we help you come up with strategies to get it back on track. Retirement planning is not a one-time event. It requires ongoing review and updates to ensure your plan is sustainable and to keep your retirement happy and successful.

Our Financial Investment Services | KCR Wealth Management

Income Tax Planning

Effective tax planning is a critical component of long-term wealth creation and preservation. Over time taxes can drastically impact your overall wealth and reduce the sustainability of your retirement plan. In a constantly changing tax environment, we provide you with sound advice and help you create effective strategies to minimize the impact of income taxes.

Our Financial Investment Services | KCR Wealth Management

Estate Planning & Wealth Transfer

Estate planning is often the most neglected area of financial planning. We work with you to create an estate plan that is effective and efficient in meeting your wealth transfer goals. We help you the entire process from planning to execution. We also help you review your estate plan regularly to ensure it remains up to date. Estate planning is too often a “set it and forget it” activity. With constantly changing situations, goals, and laws, it is crucial to work with an experienced advisor who can help you review your estate plan and keep it on track to meet your goals.

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Education Planning

Like many other financial topics, education planning seems to get more and more complicated by the day. When saving and planning for the education of your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews, there are so many options and decisions that it is often overwhelming. We help you navigate the complexities of education planning and create effective and easy to understand strategies for funding the educational needs of your loved ones.

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Charitable Giving

One of the benefits of effectively managing your finances is the ability to provide financial gifts to worthy causes that you are passionate about supporting. We help you create effective charitable plans as part of an ongoing giving strategy or as part of an estate or legacy plan.

Our Financial Investment Services | KCR Wealth Management

Risk Management & Insurance Planning

Managing potential threats and risks to your livelihood and your assets is critically important to the success of your overall financial plan. Despite all of your hard work and disciplined savings, it can all be lost quickly without the proper types and amounts of insurance coverage. Since we do not sell insurance of any kind, we can act as an objective advisor in helping you identify risks, review existing coverages, and if necessary, recommend filling any gaps in coverage. Risk management strategies may also involve such things as business structure or legal entity as well as the ownership and titling of certain assets. As with all financial planning, this requires ongoing review and analysis.